30 September 2010
Hodgepodge Journal list booklets
My son's middle school class is going to do visual journaling all year long--how cool is that? The teacher asked me for assistance way back in the middle of the summer, and what began as a limited decorate-the-journal-cover project blossomed into a full-blown study of journaling that then got distilled into presentations for the kids. Did I ever learn a lot!
I'll talk about the journaling more in a separate post, though. Here I want to show the list booklets I made for the kids. When discussing the project with the teacher, we agreed that the first thing to do to give the kids somewhere to start was with a list-making activity . . . and that got me thinking that it would be great fun for them to be writing their lists down in a booklet that started their brains thinking about their own visual journaling pages. Much more inspirational than writing down on another sheet of lined notebook paper!
So one evening while the kids were watching a movie this summer, I set up on the kitchen island with Canson Biggie sketch 14x17" paper and my acrylic inks, and I went to town. It was such a hoot! I made sure to use different color combinations on each sheet and also did the front and backs different ways. Probably I did about 4 sheets front & back.
I decided that the booklets would be 5x5" and sewn pamphlet-style. They would be a combination of the painted papers and plain white paper, but on the plain pages I would add a couple of things--that ended up being one flap that opened up to write on and one envelope with a small set of papers (made from the trimming scraps) inside it.
The end result was 13 booklets that were unique--the kids loved them and were very careful to store them in their lockers when done instead of leaving them around their desks or on the floor.
Finally I decided that I should also make my own booklet so I had somewhere to practice writing on the painted papers with different inks.
Not that I had much time to do it in--this was about 11 p.m. the night before presenting. I grabbed one of the free sheets from a Somerset Studio for the cover, and then I took all the remaining scraps of a decent size and put them on the insides (no pamphlet sewing for me--too late at night!).
I really, really wanted to show the kids how wire could be used, so I whipped up a quick booklet of single sheets and wired it onto the cover. Totally my favorite part! I love the wired-in booklet.
The last thing I did was to stick a packing tape transfer on the cover. I do like it, but eventually I will trim it more closely to the figure of the woman so it doesn't look quite so much like, well, packing tape.
acrylic ink,
painted paper,
Getting Caught Up
I am so pleased that I have finally taken pictures of some things I made, added them to blog entries that have been languishing unpublished for lack of images, and posted them! They are both little books--one is a Shorts Book called Life as Geometry, and the other is a book I ended up keeping as a personal one for myself, with quotes from The Architecture of Happiness.
Over the next couple of days I hope to finish my catch-up with posts about some of the things I've been spending my time on lately. It's a satisfying way to close a project by documenting it in my job. I must not wait so long in future to take the darn pictures!
Over the next couple of days I hope to finish my catch-up with posts about some of the things I've been spending my time on lately. It's a satisfying way to close a project by documenting it in my job. I must not wait so long in future to take the darn pictures!