I love my finished Park City travel journal. The grungeboard cover is pretty amazing, and I'll be making more portable workhorse journals with it.
After hoarding some of the Tim Holtz filmstrip ribbon for probably a couple of years now, I finally used some of it as decoration on the front cover. Prints were the index prints of my "roll"; I still had to trim them down even from that small size. But the effort was well worth it. I adhered the pics to the filmstrip with Glossy Accents, and I used the Tim Holtz Tiny Attacher to staple the completed ribbon onto the front cover.
Even though it's been only three months since the trip, I already like looking back through it at receipts and images. Must remember that I like finding items/stickers during the trip and using them to fasten things in my journal.
All the workshops I've been doing lately have really freed me up to do things. Anything. Everything. I am happy with this year!